Send Digicel Top-Up online

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Use Ding to quickly recharge Digicel prepaid numbers and send a little happiness today.

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Top-up wherever, whenever

Get the Ding App for the fastest, easiest way to top-up any phone.

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Sending Digicel top-up has never been easier

Being separated from your loved ones can be difficult and we want you to feel closer to them with the gift of a Digicel top-up. With Ding you can easily send an international Digicel top-up online and get back connecting with those who matter the most.

Have a question about sending Digicel top-up?

How do I buy Digicel credit online?

With Ding you can buy Digicel top-up online for more than 30 supported countries including Jamaica, Haiti, El Salvador and Fiji. Once you have a Ding account created you can send a Digicel top-up in 3 easy steps:

  1. Select an amount to send

  2. Enter the number to recharge

  3. Choose your payment method of choice. Once purchased, the top-up is sent instantly!

Can I send Digicel prepaid plans or data bundles?

We offer a range of Digicel prepaid plans and Prime Bundles for some supported Digicel countries. Once you have selected a country, if data plans are available, you will be able to switch between 'Phone top-up' and 'Plans'.

Are there any Digicel promotions available?

  • We often have Digicel promotions available for some supported Digicel countries. You can head to our Promotions page to see the latest available.

  • We also regularly send Ding promotions to our customers, which can be used to buy Digicel top-ups. Once you have a Ding account created, login and make sure you are opted in to receive promotions.
