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Send mobile top-up to any prepaid number, in 3 seconds

Save 50% on your first top-up now, with code martrustcrew

4.6 Rated Excellent based on 13,805 reviews

Top-up wherever, whenever

Get the Ding App for the fastest, easiest way to top-up any phone.

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We've partnered with MarTrust, to help you save money on sending mobile top-up around the world. We're here to keep you connected to home, wherever you are.

Send a little cheer

from London to Rome

"I've been using Ding for several years now. It's an awesome service and it's great that I can provide some relief by sending top-up to my friends and family. I'll honestly recommend it to everyone I know."

Sofia - has been using Ding for years to top-up her friends and family.

"Ding makes it so easy and convenient for me to send mobile recharge to my relatives in Cuba. It's easy to set-up a credit card payment and recharging is done almost immediately."

Tania - finds it easy to recharge her family in Cuba.

“It’s an absolutely incredible service where we can top up our families and friends’ mobile phones, when they live in remote parts of the world.”

Muhannad - sends top-up to friends & family back home.

"I need to stay in touch with my two boys. Ding is an easy and instant way to top-up their phones, so I don't need to go out to buy vouchers anymore. I'm so happy with the service. Please never change!"

Isabella - uses Ding to stay in touch with her children.

"My mother is in Mexico and I recharge her number every month. I can rely on Ding to make sure the credit is received, so she doesn't need to go the store to refill her balance."

Mexican Woman Smiling

María - Finds it easy to recharge her mother's number.

“I worry about scammers when shopping online but with Ding I feel completely safe. The transaction is lightning fast, you'll receive the top-up in less than a minute - I'm not exaggerating! The service is just great!”

Joseph - feels secure when buying top-up with Ding

