Send Tigo recharge to Honduras

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Recharge Tigo mobiles and data plans in Honduras in 3 seconds, and join millions of people who use Ding to connect with friends and family.

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Sending Tigo recharge to Honduras has never been easier

Stay close to your loved ones in Honduras by sending them the gift of Tigo recharge, delivered in 3 seconds. You can send little smiles in three easy steps.

Operators we work with in Honduras

Claro Honduras logo

Claro Honduras

Hondutel Honduras logo

Hondutel Honduras

Have a question about your Tigo Honduras recharge?

How can I send a Tigo recharge to Honduras?

With Ding, you send Tigo recharge to Honduras from the United States, Canada, Spain, or anywhere in the world. If you are located in Honduras you can also recharge a local number. You just need to follow these 3 steps:

  1. Select an amount to send

  2. Enter the number you want to top-up

  3. Choose your payment method. Once purchased, the top-up is sent instantly.

Can I send Tigo data recharge plans?

  • Yes, you can recharge Tigo data plans known as 'Super Recargas' plans.

  • The 'Super Recargas' plans come packed with data for browsing, gaming, and social media. They also include unlimited calls to Tigo, unlimited WhatsApp, and call minutes to any network in USA and Canada.

  • If you scroll up you can switch between 'Phone top-up' and 'Plans'. From here, select a data plan to recharge, and away you go.

Can I transfer Tigo credit to another Tigo phone?

Sending credit balance from a Tigo number to another Tigo is very simple with the Tigo's transfer service *DAR. You just need to follow these steps:

  1. Dial *327# and click Send. Enter the recipient's number followed by the amount you want to send the balance to.

  2. Tigo will ask you to confirm the transaction by selecting the wallet and choose if you want to transfer the main or promotional balance.

  3. You will receive a text message confirming the transaction.

How can I check my Tigo Honduras balance?

  • Dial #123# from your Tigo phone

How can I contact Tigo Honduras?

  • Dial *611 from your Tigo number or call 2265-8446 from any other number

  • Contact via WhatsApp from the Tigo Honduras website (
